2N 91341481E 12V power supply EU plug

2N 91341481E 12V power supply EU plug

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The 2N 91341481E power supply is a stabilized power source designed specifically for 2N devices. This power supply provides an output voltage of 12 V DC with a current of 2 A, ensuring reliable operation of the systems.

Technical characteristics

The output voltage is 12 V DC with a tolerance of ± 15%, ensuring the stability necessary for the operation of the 2N devices.


This power supply is ideal as an external power source when PoE power is not available. It is compatible with 2N devices, such as the 2N® IP Verso, and provides the necessary power for the operation of the main device and the connected modules.

Electrical Specifications
  • Output voltage: 12 V DC
  • Output current: 2 A
  • Voltage tolerance: ± 15%
  • Finish color: Black


The 2N 91341481E is particularly useful in environments where PoE power is not available or is not sufficient. It can be used to power devices such as intercoms, access units, and other systems that require a stable and reliable power source.

Data Sheet
Codice Produttore 91341481E
Brand 2N
536.4 kB
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